Friday, June 10, 2011

Granite Shield Announces it Waives the Licensing Fee to Granite Fabricators and Granite Installers‏

Granite Shield announces it waives the licensing fee to granite fabricators and granite installers

Granite Shield Testimony:

"I have been using Granite Shield for the last three years as an applicator through a Granite Manufacturing Company of my own, but have never had the opportunity to apply the product either on Granite nor many other surfaces such as Glass, All types of Flooring including Concrete, Stainless Steel, and Vehicles. Too involved in producing Granite counter tops I never took the time to step back and analyze the results of this product on other surfaces along with the revenue and additional services our company could provide to customers.

The fact is that I highly recommend Fabricators to not only visit Craig and Debbie at their corporate office to get first hand training, but also to study their business plan in order to realize how much additional revenue can be made by creating a division or creating a separate identity in this line of product and services.

Working with Craig on a sealing job proved to be very educational both from a technique and procedure perspective. I am sure you all will understand that technique is one aspect of Granite manufacturing that sets us all apart, and that's what I relished while taking training sealing Granite counter tops, Stainless Steel appliances, soiled glass blocks heavily soiled with years of pool water and the elements of nature, Travertine tiles, & Porcelain tiles. This was a great experience, one I will always cherish, seeing what I saw and felt before sealing with Granite Shield and what Craig signed off on with the customer after three hours of work. All I can say is that it was night and day results in just a fraction of time on our part and timeless beauty to be enjoyed by the customer.

The Granite Counters around an outdoor barbeque, with stainless steel appliances, floors, along with concrete benches with glass blocks all exposed to the harsh elements of nature are now protected by Granite Shield. It is very important for all of you to realize that this was one of Craig's very first customers, who called Craig after many years, since he was impressed with the results of the product and service provided in every room and area of his beautiful home, from flooring to counters to shower doors. Now, he wanted the same product to be applied on the newly completed additions.

I wish you all the best of luck and success with Granite Shield. Expand your horizons and don't just stop at sealing Granite counter tops since this product has no limits, just what you may choose to endorse."

Yours Truly,

Sai Sharma

Granite Shield Applicator Sai Sharma Training Day & Video Testimonial

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