Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Granite Shield VS Standard Sealers and 15 Year Sealers

Love the beauty of granite but don't want the maintenance of natural stone? You don't have to settle for man made artificial stone or settle for the 1 polymer sealer that washes away and even the so called 15 year sealer that washes away. Only Granite Shield applies different sized polymers to embed into the stone that also lifts out contaminants and capped with a permanent carbon crystal. With the small, medium and large polymers embedded into the stone and capped with the permanent sealer the sealer protecting the stone doesn't wash away like all of the other sealers. Just because your granite has been sealed doesn't mean it is still sealed. Many sealers last less than 6 months which means not just your granite's surface but below the surface into the pores is being exposed to bacteria. Don't risk your health or your families health. With Granite Shield liquids and bacteria don't penetrate the stone or pores of the stone.
Granite Shield email us at info@graniteshield.net

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